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Old 01-31-2016, 05:17 PM   #15
CU Tiger
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Backwoods, SC
I have changed my opinion about this.

I would be in favor of some change to accuracy sliders to both teams.

Ive also played with it a bit this weekend and think it WOULD help.

I would like to see the CPU accuracy turned down a notch as well and if Intentional Grounding is set to 0 I think it should be tweaked up to 10. This is a longer and more convoluted issue. How many times have you called a blitz and the CPU throws the ball into the stands immediately? This is why, there is no IG call so they can. However Ive been playing around with it at 10 and the QB will take off scrambling instead of tossing it in the stands and sometimes they make you pay and sometimes it is a sack.

Anyway...just my thoughts.
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