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Old 02-22-2016, 10:07 AM   #646
Hall Of Famer
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Location: Decatur, GA
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
I dunno, Hillary simply isn't nearly the boogeyman she once was when you put her beside Grandpa Unicorn.

And I think that is where Hillary Clinton will thank God in the general election that Bernie Sanders was her main primary opponent, and actually got a bit of traction. The reason being when Trump (or whoever) tries to call Hillary Clinton a socialist (as they will), the attack will bounce off simply due to the fact that you actually had an honest-to-goodness Democratic Socialist on the Dem Primary ballot who attempted to pummel Clinton from the left.

As for the other discussion going on, I'm with flere here. The right has been trying to throw everything, including the kitchen sink, at the Clintons. I'm not going to deny that Bill, especially, has been a slick operator. However, I'm also not sold that his 'sliminess' was an outlier. Maybe George H.W. Bush didn't get personally his hands dirty, but he definitely had Lee Atwater do so. And maybe George W. Bush didn't personally get his hands dirty - but Karl Rove and Dick Cheney definitely got his dirty work done. Is it because there is a feeling that Clinton is more personally involved in the dirty work?

Anyways, I trust Hillary Clinton to get policy done, or at the very least work to pass policy. She may be slick herself (though I think most of that is just Bill slickness that gets transferred onto her), but whatever slickness is there is in service of passing her agenda... you know, LBJ like (hopefully).
"A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages"
-Tennessee Williams
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