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Old 03-09-2016, 05:22 AM   #77
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Originally Posted by BishopMVP
Particularly in that really tough 19-23 range where you're fighting to make the top 30 ... imo, is easily the most frustrating period.

You're not wrong, which would make you correct here. It's all about patience for that time period. I'm going through it for the third time starting very soon and within a game year I expect to be thoroughly annoyed but you just have to wait for things to take their course. With the rest of your comments I need to be much less dogmatic than usual though. There are still some things about the game I don't know.

You are right in that better serving does lead to closer matches, just need to look at what happens on grass to see that. What I think would happen is that you would see closer matches but also more losses, how big the effect would be depends of course on how much extra you put into the serve. My approach has always been to try and 'stay in my lane' and not play events where I'm going to get killed by world-class players: in challengers you don't run into many unless it's the end of the tournament, and at that point sort of who cares? I've always approached tournaments in the philosophy that the goal is boosting form and not worried too much about the quality of matches I get -- that's what practice weeks are for. I think this is the best way, but I can't prove it by any stretch.

I'm even less certain about the court preferences thing, which is related. I've used friendly matches to 'correct' to where I want to be in these, but that's because I need friendlies and don't have a trainer. I'll get my first at the end of the current game year, though that's still several weeks away in real-life time. How to properly adapt to using a trainer, since their sessions don't correct preferences among other differences, is something I need to play around with and don't completely have a handle on. I figure I probably know about 80-90% of what I can learn about strategy for the game, but this is the biggest missing piece that I'll need to get into. I do almost all my practice weeks on hardcourt right now for my top players so they can get good competition, but no doubt I'll have to approach it differently to some degree once I am able to get better xp, but lose the surface correction aspect of friendlies. I'll need to experiment before I have a good handle on what's best.

Really good post though, I think your mind is in the right direction.
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