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Old 04-19-2016, 12:16 AM   #724
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Alzar has a major issue with the Path of the Dynast. He needs children. Descendants. A line to last. But the problems of that are obvious. Alzar is pretty a-sexual, as we’ve discussed before. He views sex as similar to eating and sleeping. Mere physical requirements for continued existence so that he can continue to do what he really cares about – learning, creating, and gaining more power.

But now Vanya is interfering a bit with that parabola. Now he has to get married, have sex, and raise children. And that’s required as part of him gaining more power. That’s not really his thing.

So where does he look for a consort? A wife? A queen? Who would suffice?

He could bring in a modest human wife from Pandius, someone with political connections and thus a martial power grab. That makes sense. But this is about creating a dynasty. Will some random human woman do? Is that a true dynasty?

So what about Vix? She can hold her own, their children would have immortal blood in them, they would likely have some significant advantages. Now, neither Vix nor Alzar are exactly the parenting type. Both are seeking immortality. Both are adventurers and more. It’s not like either of them will settle down for 10-20 year to have a home and care for children. But Vix does make more sense than anyone else he knows.

Alzar heads to Vix and proposes marriage, and furthermore, an alliance with Nyx, who has just made out and is growing in power.

(I’m not sure what to do here. Let me explain.

I was going to have Thanatos become Alzar’s patron. The first and most powerful Immortal of Entropy. One of the big bads. And his path was simple, with just one requirement. You have worked against Entropy ever since you arrived. You created. You made. You brought people together. You fought against chaos. So for your final Path, you have do destroy, to de-create, and to bring down at a level far above what you have ever made, to undo the work you’ve done. And to do that, I was going to turn Alzar into the big-bad of the story of various high level adventures, like Veca’s Lives, with Alzar as the antagonist.

But now the Nyx things really appeals to me. It segues into an adventure we had to do for Vanya. She’s already an ally. Vanya will love Vix a lot as a potential consort. It seems like a natural alliance, and moreover, a future patron from Entropy.)

They agree.

Neutral, Human-ish, Female
Level 27

On the path of Entropy following her mother Nyx

STR 18/96
DEX 18
CON 17
WIS 13
INT 11
CHA 17

AC: -5
HP – 144
Age – Appears 26, unknown actual age (Born fully adult)

+4 Spear, returns when thrown, can be used 3/day to blind the target hit
+4 Banded Armor

Abilities – As a half-immortal –

Immune to:

Normal weapons, normal elements (fire, cold, poison, lightning, etc)

+2 saves vs magical throws


Spear Weapon Mastery
Throwing Expertise
One Handed Weapon Expertise
Polearm mastery - +1 to hit and damage with polearms

Non-Weapon –

Riding, Air

Speaks 6 languages

Chariot of Vix – Any animal tethered to it obeys all commands, levitates, flies, carries 3 human-sized passengers, animal tethered to it gets the benefit of a haste spell at all times, has 120 hp, AC of 0, and takes no damage from area attacks or spells – must be actually attacked to damage it. Can be magically restored only. Vix has no magic to restore (only priests of Nyx could) but Alzar’s spell, Repair Machine, will heal it a bit.

After four days they fly out and past the world shield, and then Alzar teleports them back to Evenarrow, the capital of his now Grand Duchy.

End of Milenian Scepter
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