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Old 04-22-2016, 07:36 PM   #26116
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Newburgh, NY
My wife is from Rowan county and I went to school there. Even the working class folks of Morehead have a distaste for Kim Davis. She basically inherited the office from her mother and isn't seen as a courageous truth teller, but as a glory seeking publicity hound. SHe makes more than double the median wage in the county and hires her family where she's legally able.

The people that support her aren't going to vote for Dems because they see social issues as more important than economic issues. You can present all the economic policy papers you want and they'll still vote for the pro-life candidate every time.
To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.. - Mr. Rogers
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