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Old 04-24-2016, 06:11 PM   #747
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Begin the Book of Lairs II Again

A few days pass and Alzar has a local sherrif in the Ljallenvals use up a Spellcache Ring to teleport to him. Alzar’s Magist immediately replaces it. They have some bad news

If you’ll recall, a small set of silver mines were restarted recently by dwarves in a hex Alzar just took in the Ljallenvals recently called Silvercrest. It’s near the Ice Tower they took out. Around a week ago, a pair of ink-black dragons flew in and took it over and ousted the dwarves.

(I’m not making up the perfect fit, we already had silver mines in the mountains, with many nearby dragons right here, and the lair in the book of lairs perfectly met that. I had to toss that here when I saw it!).

Black dragons aren’t bad. Ever since Alzar worked with the Black Dragon mother and helped hatch their eggs, he;s been on good relations with the evil dragon kind. He could ask them to leave. Alzar grabs a Crystal Ball and begins to scry. He finds the caves, and then heads in mystically. Inside he verifies that there are a mated pairs of dragons, but they aren’t black ones. They are shadow dragons.

They have created makeshift structures to block out the light, might quick earthworks and such. There are some recently deceased dwarves here as well.

Alzar grabs some items to make him more anti-shadow dragon, like the Iuon Stone that lets him see in any darkness, even magical. They have little treasure, it looks like just enough for one or two passes late at night, or just what they could bring with them. Alzar uses his Dragon Lore proficiency to ensure he is doing everything right, he’s only slain a couple of shadows before as they are pretty rare and from another plane of existence.

While still day, Alzar teleports over

Alzar arrives at the entrance of a cave and uses the Star of Mo-Pilar to assess things. He spies a Magic Mouth spell at the corner of the entrance about 20 feet in, and the Alarm spell a little further in, and casts Dispel Magic to drop them. Silver ore glints in the light, some of which is recently mined.

Alzar id’d the male as old and the female venerable.
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