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Old 05-01-2016, 10:50 AM   #11
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Species Homeworld(Where do we live?)

Having dealt with the larger setting(Stellaris Galaxy) and visual identity(species appearance + name), it is time now to move on to the local setting. This is another aspect that is mostly aesthetic but does have a small gameplay impact in terms of what types of planets our starting species can settle, especially early on.

Planet Name: Earth, Mars, etc.

Planet Type: Choose from among the habitable planet types of Continental, Tropical, Desert, Arid, Tundra, Arctic, and Ocean. The way these work is in a 'circle', with the types closest on the circle to our homeworld the most habitable, and those opposite the least habitable. For example, a Continental species will do best on other continental worlds, Ocean/Tropical will be next best, Desert/Artic after that, and Arid/Tundra will be the worst. A Desert species would prefer desert of course, followed by Arid/Tropical, Continental/Tundra, and lastly Arctic/Ocean. And so on.

Star Name: This will be Sol for humans of course, but otherwhise we'll need a new one.

Solar System Type: Some systems are pre-scripted, such as a Sol replica; there are probably others but those are not known at this time. If we play as Humans we'll use Sol, otherwhise this will be random.

Voting Options

If we end up playing as humans or a totally random species, this category will not be needed. For those choosing Other under the species options however, we should define the specifics of that choice here:

Planet Name:
Planet Type: Continental, Tropical, Desert, Arid, Tundra, Arctic, Ocean.
Star Name:

Tomorrow we'll start looking at choices that will have a lot more impact on how the game plays out, beginning with a couple of basic elements of starting technology.
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