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Old 05-12-2016, 12:39 PM   #8428
Pro Rookie
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Prairie du Sac, WI
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
Here's the difference, I believe, in what I was getting at.

In some quarters there seems to be an undue amount of enthusiasm for the Big 10 getting those "moderate names" from anywhere/everywhere else than would be the case for other conferences.

Steal FSU away, okay, I get the enthusiasm. They're a traditional draw that has history of having national appeal. Pretty much anybody else in the discussion though, honestly ... c'mon. (As noted previously UNC & Duke ain't going anywhere). GT doesn't generate much excitement in their own city, much less state, so why would someone get overly jacked up about them as some sort of hypothetical coup?

In terms of enthusiasm for this Big Ten fan, bringing in GT would leave me as enthusiastic as when they brought in Rutgers and Maryland. I.e. Not at all

Nebraska was a different story. Geographic and cultural fit. Beyond that, Notre Dame is about the only school that would tick those two boxes on the enthusiasm meter.

If only Mizzou would've went to the Big 10...... Pandemonium
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