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Old 05-16-2016, 12:48 PM   #120
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
2005, Part 2

05.20 -- The Mildrosch completes the final mining station in the Norgon system, and is headed home. It will evenutally receive its thruster upgrade, but that's on the back burner right now.

Having tapped all available mineral resources within our territory at the moment, we are now a little over 21 in surplus per month. At that rate it will take a little under a year before the colony ship is ready, though in actuality it's going to be a bit longer due to the needs of Humboldt. Still, time is running short for a decision on where we go, with one voice having been raised in favor of each of Norgon and Maghama so far ...

6.26 -- Wexellia survey is finally finished. The Laggasch has been in the system for nearly 17 months. They will move on to Liram, a yellow star that is the closest to Kroll space that we have access to. Almost certainly it will eventually be swallowed up by the Star Commonwealth, making it a priority to find out what's there before that happens.

7.07 -- Dr. Justyce presents the Engineering Department's report on the crystals. It's rather lengthy, but here's a summary. It seems, lacking a better alternative, that they will be known henceforth simply as the Crystalline Entities.

Our gathered knowledge in this area has allowed us to master the technique of Crystal Sonar. Due to our increased understanding of them, any system they occupy can be surveyed instantly for a cost of 30 energy credits. We may put this to use soon in Impal Tov, if indeed they are still there ...

7.12 -- Deesh reports Liram has another new species, designated the 'Eta'. Dr. Corperial's list of work grows once more ...

A 'blind jump' to another yellowish star, K-class, which is beyond our sensor range on the edge of Kroll space is next up for him.

8.8 -- The new system is designated Sarack, and has multiple habitable worlds though none fit for a marine species such as ourselves. Still it is very much worth investigating.

09.? -- The Mildrosch is back in orbit at Humboldt, allowing us to save a small amount of energy that went to it's upkeep.

10.1 -- We are over halfway to saving up the materials needed for the colony ship, but as mentioned our homeworld is in need of some investment first. It is time to build another hydroponics farm to ensure we stay ahead of the curve on keeping our numbers growing. The next day, the study of the Deltas is completed, and the Society Dept. moves on to Epsilon.

10.7 -- The Delta report reveals that this particular contact are drones. Ancient mining drones, to be exact, serving and protecting an automated mining station that, incredibly, dates to millenia ago, though it has been long abandoned. Observation clearly indicates their operative protocol is to respond aggressively to any approach. In keeping with established policy we will study them from Humboldt. This matter will occupy the Engineering Dept. for a few months, further delaying the Troutstone studies.

The rest of the year passes without anything notable. It is expected that construction of the colony ship will begin sometime in the second half of this year, with Humboldt needed another provincial construction project in the interim. Still, the time to make a decision on that front is not all that far off now ...
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