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Old 06-05-2016, 11:10 AM   #260
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Governor's Briefing: JIMGA

One thing that standings out right away about Micaw is that no-one is nearly as fit, both in temperament and skills, to bring order and productivity to Micaw as is 72-year-old Governor JIMGA, aka the Iron Fist.

Governor JIMGA, do you accept reassignment from your current position on Humboldt(where things are pretty much wrapped up) to Micaw? You are now on the clock.

Inquisitor's Briefing: Roe Laren

This is another one that is for everyone, but the Inquisitor has the final say.

** Initial Steps -- Per our standing policies, the five Shantari pops have been enslaved. A faction has arisen, a very popular one but with only one pop in support -- an Architreuthis by the name of Gelmar -- desiring emancipation for them. So far they are causing no trouble but this will need to be monitored. In any case, the Shantari will be permitted to reproduce, and all their offspring will be slaves as well. Slaves are 20% more productive in matters of food and minerals, but they do much worse than usual in energy and research. This means that Micaw is best used as a mining world, but we will still need to resettle some Architreuthis citizens to Micaw in order to handle any power plants or labs to exploit those resources. This is not a cheap process -- for us, 66.5 influence per resettled population.

All of that simply follows on from our existing imperial policies and does not need to be changed, unless we wish, for example, to change migration policy or disallow slave procreation, etc. They have their uses and there is no compelling reason I see to do so right now.

** Kroll Border Proposal -- To re-establish control over Arrakis, we will need to colonize Dastamon at this point. This would likely also allow us to disband the frontier outpost in Ambisia once the colony is up and running. It is time to form a new colony regardless, but this is the only way -- short of war -- to get our investment in Arrakis back from the Kroll who have poached it, so to speak. Dastamon is not a good colonization target on it's own merits, a size-12 arctic world. Most of our prospects are better, but regaining the Arrakis system and adding another border world to prevent Kroll expansion as their numbers grow would be the goal here.

Whether we colonize Dastamon or something else, we will reach six planets requiring us to form our first sector. Under this proposal, the systems 'below' the Grasping Claw Nebula, or 'inward' on this arm of the galaxy, would become collectively known as the Kroll Border Sector at that point. This would leave the four in the nebula(Humboldt, Bakangi, Eskogg, and Agglor) as our core worlds for the time being. The new sector would have ample resources from the two planets(Dastamon and Micaw) and our stations in the area to utilize.

Inqusitor Roe Laren, what say you to this plan? Shall we enact it as is, or would you like to change any part of it? You are now on the clock.
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