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Old 06-06-2016, 09:16 AM   #266
College Starter
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Arlington, VA
The Kroll Border proposal is approved.

What is the cost of showing the Gelmar the error of their ways? Sometimes, nipping these things in the bud is the best course of action.

How many armies have we stationed on Micaw? Please direct the General to look into that.

With regard to settlement policy, priority 1 is taking the obvious strategic worlds we will need to maintain a well protected border. Certainly, a strong economic planet or group of stars that is in a strategic location would be the highest priority. But, absent those obvious targets, we must establish a strong border with the Omicron aliens and then protect the hyperdrive and other access lanes that could threaten our core worlds or provide us access with other regions of space in which to expand. As we secure our region of space, then we can spread the schools into the less strategic but economically strong areas.

I am curious to know what the primary strategic and economic targets for expansion look like. Not sure how easy that is to show as the map for us expands.
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