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Old 06-16-2016, 08:48 AM   #262
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
One of the issues here is how many persuadable voters are really being reached via political twitter?

If you frequent political twitter, that means you like politics. Which means that you have probably already picked a side. And that you are already planning to vote.1. Political Twitter is great for arguments. But I am not sure who's minds are really being changed.

It reminds me of something I read about the outsized view of daytime cable news that Washington insiders have. Folks who work in politics have TVs with FoxNews, CNN, etc. on in the background all day. And they work trying to get stories pushed on those networks. So they are very interested and concerned with the impact of the news coverage.

When, in reality, the number of persuadable voters who watch daytime cable news probably numbers under 100 at any given time. If you choose CNN over a Law & Order re-run at 3 in the afternoon, you probably already know who you are voting for.

1. I know that there are people who follow politics strongly who are pure independents. But they are rare. Just like there are people who passionately follow a sport but don't have a favorite team. They exist. But they are uncommon.
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