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Old 06-17-2016, 10:29 PM   #58
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Maryland
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
I ask this in complete & utter sincerity: aside from maybe one or two specific sub-cultures (IIRC, I've read that some ethnicities still attach a stigma) ... exactly what stigma to it is really left?

I mean, half the f'n country has probably seen a shrink at this point & I literally can't recall the last time anyone so much as batted an eye about admitting it nor upon hearing someone bring it up.

That's true across pretty much all the lines I regularly cross too. Age, region, gender, religion, economic.

So where is this stigma that you're referring to?

(Again, let me emphasize: I'm truly honestly sincerely asking, complete lack of any snark or sarcasm or anything else intended)

I'd say that the biggest obstacle for expanded use of mental health professionals today is overwhelmingly cost, followed by availability (at least in some areas).

I think there's a stigma in some corners, though part of that might be internal. My wife is on anxiety meds. She does not discuss this with her parents, especially her father. I think she feels like he'd view this as some sort of a weakness or failure. Even though it's quite possible that one or both of her parents themselves could benefit from something similar, and one of her nephews has issues.

My daughter is starting to see someone. Many of her friends do, and at a visit they spotted a neighbor there too. My son though is of the mind that her issues are largely made-up, or that these girls are feeding off of each other, creating their own problems -- like it's a fad. But if there is something, she should just buck up and get over it (even though the kid has his own crazy bug phobia).

So it's still there. I think it's breaking down, but it takes time.

(There's probably a fear of that info getting out to employers, too. Also: Scientologists.)
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