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Old 06-20-2016, 02:44 AM   #3054
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Agree with those who said that they liked the action, but were disappointed in how straightforward the story was.

I also liked Mereen much, much more than Winterfell. Glad that Ramsey is gone. Honestly I'm glad Rickon is gone too, he's been a non-character for too long to try to introduce him as the Stark heir and deal with that.

I look forward to piece moving next week. Davos/Melisandre resolution should be good. WILL DANY GET HER ARMY ON A BOAT?!!??!?! OMGOMGOMG. Kings Landing is where the best story is currently being told IMO, and I'm thrilled to see movement there next week, since I really have no reasonable predictions as to an obvious course of action. That will be nice after this episode, where every obvious prediction came true to the letter. Sometimes you have to do that, I'm not sure it really had to be done like this, but, it gets everything set up where it needs to be for more important conflicts, and hopefully less torture, with Ramsey dead.
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