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Old 06-20-2016, 11:54 PM   #352
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
First things first; we have one research choice outstanding.

Research Director's Briefing: Dr. David Corperial

** Mountain Range Removal(New Worlds, 18 mo.) -- Mountain ranges can be removed via explosives so that provinces can be further developed. There are four such provinces in the outlying systems, none in our core worlds.
** Active Volcano Removal(New Worlds, 18 mo.) -- Same medicine, different disease. In addition to another four provinces in the outlying worlds, there is also one in the middle of Bakagni.
** Tropical Colonization(New Worlds, 44 mo.) -- Allows us to colonize Tropical planets. There are a number of them known to us, a number of all types at this point, but it would be a difficult adjustment for the Architreuthis. Habitability(maximum happiness) on a Tropical planet is 20% for both us and the Shantari slaves. By comparison, Ocean planets are 80%, Arctic 60%, the two kinds we presently are settling. It may be better to wait until we are able to develop ways to improve the usefulness of such environments, as dissident factions would almost certainly develop if we colonized such planets at this time.

** Amoeba Breeding Program(Biology, 34% completed, 30/87 mo.)
** Regenerative Hull Tissue(Materials, 99% completed, 160/162 mo.)

Dr. David Corperial, you are on the clock.
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