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Old 06-21-2016, 10:21 AM   #776
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
2016 Henry VIII Invite @ Cumming Aquatic Center – June 24-26

This is a prelim / finals meet all 3 days, so there will be a bunch of swimming (I'll miss the Friday prelims due to work, but should see most everything else). I don’t believe the coach is planning on doing much of a taper for any of the kids. In fact, I expect it to be a drop taper, where he backs off of the work on Thursday night only (maybe a slight decrease Wednesday). I have gotten good reports on all the kids efforts recently. Especially the twins…but I don’t know if it is going to translate into fast times yet.

Here are the events the kids are swimming:



# 1 Girl 13-14 200 Free 2:27.07L – Bailey is hoping to make a move here. One of her friends who used to be faster than her in the freestyle is seeded ahead of her by 3.5 seconds. Bailey is hoping to beat her and her time.

# 9 Girl 13-14 100 Fly 1:11.69L – One of the other 14 year old girls currently has a slightly faster time than Bailey…she wants to fix that this weekend.

# 13 Girl 13-14 400 Medley 5:44.28L – needs a strong breast to improve a bunch. Her improved stamina from working harder in practice might be enough to get a personal best.

# 43 Girl 13-14 200 Fly 2:39.32L – she is so much more comfortable with this race. Hoping she continues to improve her time

# 47 Girl 13-14 100 Back 1:19.05L – Would really like to see a drop in this one. She’s been flat in back for a while. Coach told her it has to do with her rotation, and she said she’s getting better at the technique. Fingers crossed.

# 51 Girl 13-14 400 Free 5:13.87L – As she embraces longer swims, she gets better at them. Could improve her just because she is more comfortable. She will probably try to beat the same girl mentioned in the 200 free here.

# 73 Girl 13-14 200 Back 2:43.24L – see 100 back…only improved practice efforts could help with time due to better stamina

# 81 Girl 13-14 200 Medley 2:45.66L – breast and back have to be better. I expect free at the end will be much improved over last year.

# 85 Girl 13-14 800 Free 10:36.92L – Coach wants her to get a state cut in this…that means she needs to be 10:17…that’s a big drop, but I honestly think she can do it.



# 2 Boy 13-14 200 Free 2:18.25L – Bear was very disappointed in his 2:21 time in Pensacola in this event. And several of his friends have improved in this one. We haven’t discussed it, but I expect Bear will be pushing hard in this one.

# 10 Boy 13-14 100 Fly 1:14.32L – haven’t done this one in a while…in Pensacola it was swum on Friday before the Gold team arrived and he was sick during Swim with Dad, so this time is from last year. Given his 200 fly at Pensacola was right on his personal best, I expect this will be close too.

# 14 Boy 13-14 400 Medley 5:28.62L – really struggling with Breast, and the breaststroke really bothers his hip injury. He might end up scratching this one, but if he swims, I don’t expect much.

# 44 Boy 13-14 200 Fly 2:34.45L – I expect he’ll be close to his PB again.

# 48 Boy 13-14 100 Back 1:17.46L – Hoping for continued improvement here. He seems to have a better stroke in back right now, hopefully he doesn’t go back to over-reaching

# 52 Boy 13-14 400 Free 4:43.05L – Added a little in Pensacola…will want to fix that here…

# 78 Boy 13-14 100 Free 1:02.72L – Not sure how much dropping he’ll be able to do here. Having not seen him swim, I just don’t have a point of reference.

# 82 Boy 13-14 200 Medley 2:35.54L – Breast is the issue again…hopefully, he either scratches or he swims it without inflaming his hip strain.

# 86 Boy 13-14 800 Free 10:05.37L – I know he’s eyeing this one. The state cut here…though he already has the 1500 so it is really irrelevant because boys don’t swim the 800 at state – is 9:59.59…I expect he’ll get that easily. Not sure what he’ll shoot for, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he tried to go 9:45 or even faster.



# 4 Boy 15 & Over 200 Free 2:26.94L – just hoping he can approach his personal bests. His sick swimming the last couple of times out really make it difficult to project. If he can come close he’ll show he’s ready to improve. If he is 5 or so seconds off, it will show he’s developed some issues he needs to overcome.

# 8 Boy 15 & Over 100 Breast 1:27.36L – even sick, Brett was only a few seconds off on this one. Hopefully, he can pull out a personal best. It would be really good for his self-confidence.

# 16 Boy 15 & Over 400 Medley 6:06.58L – should improve here with better fly and more stamina.

# 38 Boy 15 & Over 200 Breast 3:08.53L – even still recovering at Swim with Dad – in a 200 Breast he was only 3+ seconds off his personal best. Very hopefully, healthy he’ll drop some time.

# 50 Boy 15 & Over 100 Back 1:24.42L – was only +.2 at Swim with Dad…this should be a personal best, if it isn’t I’ll be disappointed.

# 54 Boy 15 & Over 400 Free 5:28.07L – Could do well here…or could settle into a practice pace and come out with a poor time. Depends on his mindset.

# 76 Boy 15 & Over 200 Back 2:48.93L – Added a bunch of time here at Swim with Dad…which was hopefully due to post sickness fatigue, especially considering how well he swam the 100. In fact, his 100 split at SwD was very similar to his 100 time…so all the added time was back half. Maybe this indicates he could do well in this one too…

# 84 Boy 15 & Over 200 Medley 2:47.84L – like the 400, the improved Fly and stamina could lead to a good swim…

# 88 Boy 15 & Over 800 Free 11:00.40L – like the 400 free it all depends on how hard he’s willing to push. Hopefully, he embraces this. Especially given that improving his distance frees will improve his chances of swimming in college.
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