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Old 06-22-2016, 10:38 PM   #375
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Originally Posted by Chesapeake
Are there any costs associated with changing policy to allow migration?

Policies can be changed free of charge. Once changed though, they can't be changed again for 10 years.

Originally Posted by Chesapeake
Are there any drawbacks to allowing slaves to migrate as well, thus allowing the true children of Boojie to on other planets to have lesser species to do menial tasks?

Not that I'm aware of. Habitability would be a concern as the Shantari like much different environments. I think they would be very unlikely to voluntarily migrate to our planets for that reason(they are an Arid race, we like Ocean environments). I also don't think slaves can migrate in general -- they're slaves, and only free citizens so far as I know can do that. These are things I haven't tried to do before though. We can't resettle them because they are in a sector and therefore we don't have the control over that.

Originally Posted by Chesapeake
Are any planets maxed out in population?

Humboldt has been for a few years. None of the others are close.

Originally Posted by Chesapeake
Invoke the Crystal Sonar.


Originally Posted by Chesapeake
Are we aware of nearby planets in Kroll space that we would like to seize, either that anchor areas with high mineral/science value or that appear to have worlds that we would like to colonize? If so, the time may be right to build up the navy and armies significantly over the next 12 months and then to strike the Kroll unbelievers while their frontline forces are directly engaged with the Ul-Tur.

The Kroll have the same ocean-climate preference as we do. Three of their four planets are ocean worlds, the fourth probably is as well. We have limited knowledge of their systems so we don't know the answer to some of these questions -- they are beyond our scanner range. There is one smallish arctic planet we could colonize(size 13) but nothing to get excited about. The biggest value would likely be the Kroll planets themselves. Also, as a 'strong' species they would make better soldiers and miners than the Architreuthis do.

In terms of striking when they are directly engaged, that's something we would have to guess at. Barring somebody being willing to give us an Active Sensor Link treaty, which is highly unlikely, we would have to guess at it. We could go with a specific date like the 12-month plan, or alternatively wait for the borders to start changing(by which time they would probably already have the upper hand).

Edit: Complicating this matter further is that unless they are not using hyperdrive as their FTL travel method of choice, they won't even be able to reach Ul-Tur space. Doing so would require going through Hakibori territory due to the need to cross dark space into the inner galactic arm.

Last edited by Brian Swartz : 06-22-2016 at 10:43 PM.
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