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Old 06-27-2016, 12:11 PM   #396
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Will do. As I booted up the game to implement this, I discovered that the next major patch(Asimov) is now live. We are now on version 1.2. There are significant changes, some of which require input here. To start with, here are the ones that I think are worth mentioning in this thread.

** Embassies have been removed from the game. In its place is the 'Trust' mechanic. From what I can tell so far, trust decays over time and is increased by maintaining diplomatic agreements. Therefore, if we do not engage in diplomacy with our neighbors, it appears that over time their trust will deteriorate, followed by a drop in our relations with them. We can improve relations with favorable trade deals(such as a gift of resources or other assistance), essentially 'bribing' them.

** An additional diplomatic agreement, defensive pact has been added. Under this agreement, member empires will come to the aid of any other member who is attacked. This appears to be distinct from an alliance in the fact that alliances join in both offensive and defensive conflicts.

** Borders with all other empires are open by default now, meaning that our fleets can enter their territory and vice versa. Among other things, this allows us the option of sending ships for intelligence-gathering purposes, such as the present disposition of the war involving the Ul-Tur Concordat and its enemies. Closing borders has a moderate negative effect on empire relations.

** Fleet behavior in battles has been changed. Generally speaking I think this was supposed to encourage ships to stay at range more often and improve visuals, but I'm sure it will impact to some degree on the effectiveness of our ships. I'll pay closer attention to the next couple battles. Along with this, range of all weapons has been doubled.

** Multiple changes to ethics and government types.

** Slave factions have been changed. Obviously this is of particular interest to us. There are now two types, Docile and Malcontent. Slaves will move between the two types based on their happiness. Docile slaves are the happier ones, Malcontent are more likely to cause trouble(including the possibility of rebellions). This won't be a thing for us for a while though, since the Sector AI is insisting on emancipating all of the Shantari. For the time being, we don't have any more slaves.

** Happiness is a lot more linear, meaning there will be a lot more production penalties/bonuses based on this on our systems. Planets with good habitability should be more valuable, those with poor habitability less so.

** Diplomatic Incidents and other events added for the mid-game which we appear to be just on the edge of here. Some new and unexpected things will likely occur.

** Colonization/outposts require influence now. The further away the system is, the more it requires.
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