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Old 07-02-2016, 01:13 PM   #434
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
General Briefing

With the change in borders come changes in other aspects as well.

Here are the latest boundaries of explored space for us. Things are a pretty small here but we're big enough that I had to zoom out all the way to show all of it.


We presently have four, out of a current maximum of five. Two are 'developed' sectors, meaning they have a decent surplus in both energy and minerals, maximum taxation, and are focusing on research in accordance with current instructions. One is the Kroll Border Sector, which has expanded to include all of the recently occupied territories down to our border with the Kroll and Djomar. The second is the Perj Sector which is on the opposite side of our core systems, outward in the middle arm. It includes Hark and the surrounding systems near the jump to the inner arm, as well as the two colonies in Khamb further up.

On the outer arm are visible two smallish 'blue circles' of territory, each of which is another sector. We'll probably connect these eventually. The upper one is the Outer Rim
, which has the Dawcan system and a couple of those around it, with the lower one containing the two moons in the Haribas system, called the Haribas Sector. Both of these are still developing and presently have no taxes as they are barely breaking even on energy. Developing more is the focus of these territories.

Economic Overview

** Energy -- +8 per month which is about where we want to be. New ship construction will be minimal until we grow a little more.
** Minerals -- +152 per month. Gained about another +20 from the Kroll acquisitions.
** Influence -- 87, still +4. Research underway will grant us a couple more leader spots, so we'll need this to recruit them.
** Research -- 55 physics, 89 Society, 72 Engineering. Between the domestic focus on technology and expanding both peacefully and through the war, research output has more than doubled in the past decade! It hasn't yet been enough to significantly change our technological status compared to other empires. This is partly because there has been, and continues to be, a lot of debris research, studies of anomalies/other races/etc., and is also complicated by the fact that the expansion does increase the difficulty/cost of research some. But it's still definitely progress.

Current Priorities

The fleet as mentioned will head to the outer arm to deal with crystalline elites and then mining drones there. Colonization will resume at a steady pace. Surveying the acquired Kroll territories and analyzing the battle debris from the war will occupy significant effort over the next few years.

In the outer arm, we are presently studying communications from the empire that has vassalized the one known contact out there, the Ethneri. Once completed, that will likely block off further expansion in that direction. The exploration phase has lasted longer than expected, but it appears to be near it's conclusion. We can basically expand at will in the middle arm and nearly so in the outer arm with plenty of room in both directions. Already we are largest empire in known space, with 15 planets(the Bhenn'Tell Imperium, formerly known as the Thar'Biq, are second with 12). Population-wise, we have also doubled in the past decade and have nearly equalled them as well(147-138). Getting spaceports up and running in the occupied Kroll territories will be important, as will continuing to upgrade research capabilities whenever possible.


Internal dissent is expected to gradually become more and more of an issue. It is an unavoidable side effect of growth, the only choice really is how to manage it. Here's how things lay out after the conquest:

** Demographics -- 66% Architreuthis, 20% Kroll, 10% Shantari, 2% Robots(built and 'employed' by the Kroll, they now belong to us)

** Loyalists -- 74 members(54% of the total). Just over half of the Collective is still devoted to our ideals. These are almost all Architreuthis of course.
** Kroll Repatriarchs -- 24 members(17%), 51 Attractiveness. Those Kroll who have not been enslaved are naturally opposed to the new order. This faction has no support having just formed, and doesn't appear to be particularly popular.
** Docile Slaves -- 19 members(14%), 155 Attractiveness. Support is up to 10% here. They will need at least 25% to cause any disruption.
** Malcontent Slaves -- 15 members(11%), 197 Attractiveness. No support yet, but its a bit unneverving how popular this movement is. I expect this to cause problems eventually ...
** Emancipation Movement -- 5 members(4%), 80 Attractiveness. 10% Support. Again, 25% is needed to really do anything. There is also little we can do about this faction, the others allow for more options.
** Kroll Border Sovereignty Army -- 1 member(1%), 17 Attractiveness. These separatists are so insignificant and unpopular that they can scarcely be said to exist.

No imminent decisions are necessary for Inquisitor Roe Laren, unless you intend to change anything about our current plans or have questions to pose.
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