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Old 07-05-2016, 08:16 PM   #388
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Kansas City, MO
Election Update: Swing State Polls And National Polls Basically Say The Same Thing | FiveThirtyEight

Interesting figures from FiveThirtyEight. Some of this is absolutely due to some small sample size of state poles, but the upshot is this: Clinton is slightly underperforming in blue states, slightly over performing in purple states and significantly over performing in red states.

In states Romney won by an average of 16 points, Clinton is only trailing by 7. Trump is only outpolling Romney in two states, while Clinton is outpolling Obama in 15. The poll average has her in the lead in Kansas (which I do think is an aberration) but also within the margin of error in places such as Missouri, Georgia, Arizona and Utah.

As bad as the national polls look for Trump, the state polls are showing signs of the race really getting out of hand. Trump isn't within the margin of error in any blue states, and trails by 20 points in places such as New York and California where Trump claims he's going to campaign.

Will be interesting to see just how far Clinton and the DNC are willing to go to compete in some red states. I think they will put some effort into Arizona since there is a competitive senate race there too. But will Clinton put an effort into winning Georgia? Not sure about that.
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