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Old 07-07-2016, 07:05 AM   #428
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
It doesn't seem that the Hillary campaign has gone negative on Trump yet other than for what Trump has been voluntarily offering up.

Guess they are waiting for after the convention. My thoughts are that business dealings expose isn't going to do much. Going bankrupt, laying off people, exaggerating selling messages etc. are all part of the business game. Ultimately, he is a successful businessman.

They're going to have attack him on the racial, religious, women (btw - I can't believe there's been no dirt on any Trump affairs yet), foreign policy etc.

Trump has been blunted with Benghazi and the email scandal. He seems to be left with old rehashed stuff promising to dive more into Bill and Vince Foster. Not going to do much there to get new supporters.

It should be entertaining.
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