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Old 07-22-2016, 12:07 PM   #2632
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bloomington, IN
Originally Posted by Chief Rum View Post
I am sorry but do you have any idea the incredible variety of the human race and how many different ways different subsets of people would require different sorts of responses from cops? If you think in any way that any government arm is going to undertake to train police officers to deal with every possible situation, you're out of your mind.

...and yet we expect our elementary school teachers to do it, while also herding a classroom with 30 six year olds through the set curriculum every day, while continuing to take classes in their academic discipline or in teaching theory (in Indiana. at least -- of course, in Indiana, we also expect the teachers to get their ongoing education on their own dime, just to keep their licenses.)

Maybe the solution isn't "every officer" and something more like community policing specialists or advisors who can organize things like workshops or brown bag lunches, and also keep their finger on the pulse of the community so they know things like where the group homes are and what sorts things officers in their vicinity might encounter.

(I live in a small town, so I imagine this might be more complicated in more urban settings.)
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