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Old 07-30-2016, 07:30 PM   #180
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Synopsis of “Some Notes Concerning a Green Box”

A letter is written by a grad student about a green box that captured his fancy in the lower level of the library. He heads over to it and three is a lock to it. He;s in an area only accessible by grad students and prof.s The lock is not secured, and he opens it, and finds there to be letters, pictures, and more in here. As it is a bit related to his own work, he moves to begin copying it, but is interrupted by a librarian before he does too much. They take the stuff from him, and he lies about the copies.

In the copied stuff are some letters back and forth, experts in the fields of archeology and anthropology. They decided to go an research sabbatical together to Easter Island and near by. They were on an island by Easter Island, and returned with a bunch of rare and valuable items they found. They quit their jobs as faculty, and then left for another expedition, sending back letters.

They are looking for something in the water south of Easter Island, where nothing could be. They don’t seem to find it. They are looking for something from various sources are mentioned, including the name Cthulhu. They are never heard from again.

Our grad has done some investigations. He checked various newspapers and with local authorities. He has found a story that an earthquake in Chile was caused by one of the Professors and the mountain by him got up, walked over, and stepped on him, killing him. Another story is of their boat taking a lot of damage and needing highly unusual repairs. He includes all of the copies, and everything he found, in this letter. And he’s moving because he feels he is being stalked by someone.
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