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Old 08-10-2016, 11:58 AM   #26
High School Varsity
Join Date: Feb 2007
Originally Posted by Groundhog View Post
Great stuff!

I think I might know what the issue you are having here is, always happy to help anyway, if I know the answer at least.

Have you decided on a UI at all as yet, or are you printing to the terminal at the moment? I would recommend at least having separate folders for your "game logic" scripts and your UI scripts, and keep the info passed to your UI as generic as possible, let the UI stuff handle all the display-related coding because you can pretty easily swap it out at a later stage if you want to port it to a different UI framework.

I would absolutely love any insight you have on it! It drives me crazy when it works just fine on one computer, then tanks on another. I've been using the WinPython/Spyder IDE which is supposedly "portable" - but even there it will occasionally start throwing out import errors on me when I move between laptops.

I'm itching to get going on UI but I really want to try to make terminal work for a while longer yet. I find the UI stuff takes on a life of its own once I get going on it...I'm still debating Kivy vs PySide vs PyQt. But your points on separate folders for it are definitely well taken...I've had a few "learning experiences" on that on previous projects.

I am still muddy on how to set that up properly. In the past, I'd have my "main" function, where I'd initialize the UI and my "game class" and hook everything up there.
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