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Old 09-12-2016, 07:50 PM   #6
High School Varsity
Join Date: May 2013
December 11, 1984 - Something Happens

"Since before recorded time...
it had swung through the universe
in an elliptical orbit so large ...
that its very existence
remained a secret of time and space.
But now, in the last few years
of the 20th century,
the visitor was returning.
The citizens of Earth would get an extra
Christmas present this year,...
as their planet orbited
through the tail of the comet.
Scientists predicted a light show
of stellar proportions,
something not
seen on Earth for 65 million years.
Indeed, not since the time...
that the dinosaurs
disappeared, virtually overnight.
There were a few who saw this as more
than just a coincidence,
but most didn't.."

Except for these People as many of these people are attempted to Survive the Comet.

(BGM: Chris Farren - The Whole World is Celebrating)

The Scene: Alameda, CA
The Name: Jay Jianoran who just time warped from 2006 to 1984 as he get's ready for a big party in an Underground Bunker with her fellow students from Alameda High, Kathleen O'Connor (also time warped from 2011) a sophomore from A-Town is excited as the Comet heading towards earth in the night before something happens "Hey Jayel', she said. "Hey, Miss O'Connor", Jay replied, "well things are about to change Alameda is ready to change in hopes that we will usher in a new era.", Erin said.

"Well this is it, The End of this World is about to take place, I assume and the Beginning which will starting", Erin said.

"So we are excited many of which will survive and that includes a number of AHS Students who time warped for the big party prior to the event!", Jay said.

"Apparently that's good", Erin Replied.

However Christina Cowan (a Sophomore from A-Town) is ready to be excited for a Big Night, "Well I was really excited the Whole Island City is going to survive for these teens and I'm getting ready to make history." then Jay walked on and said "Uh, Miss Cowan?", then Christina replied "Jay, we were excited that this is going to be a Big Night", "Of Course I'm from Encinal High and you are from Alameda High!"

"Good Work", said Christina

Meanwhile in Los Angeles, The Reporter (Bob Perlow) said: The first earthlings to see the effects will be in Newfundland. Or, Newfoundland. This is expected to begin at 2.04. That's Pacific Standard Time. Interesting sidebar to this story is the fact that all telecommunications seem to be out in that part of the world.

However Samantha "Sam" Belmont is eating some potato chips until she rang the phone to call her older sister Regina

S: Hello?
R: Samantha, you sound pissed.
S: I just had it out with Doris once and for all, again. She wants me to, like, haul chips and dips around for her little comet party.
R: Yeah, well, speaking of Doris... Look, I need your help. Tell her that you know all about this field trip that I'm gonna take, okay, with my science class. We're gonna go to the observatory to watch the comet.
S: She won't go for it. She'll go for it. Just tell her, okay?
R: Okay.

However Regina is on the phone as she is trying to go out with her Science Class to Watch the Comet.

Meanwhile in Alameda: Alameda High Class President: Megan Yee holding her Megaphone said "Attention if you are staying underground to increase survival stay put, period!"

"This could get exciting", said Jay Jianoran "However we are watching TV this time for coverage of that Comet trying to pass the West Coast of the United States but back on the TV the reporter said: Looks like a real nice crowd
we have out here tonight. and then Jay replied "As for Us, It is indoors, Get It?"

Meanwhile in the Belmont Household in LA some upbeat music blared as the music blared.

"In 1910, Halley's comet returned., Everybody thought they were going to die then.", said one member of the family but later when Sam is drinking some soda something happened as the Comet came in to the west coast.

Meanwhile in Alameda, Megan replied on her megaphone "Oh My God, I See a Comet it's going to pass the state of California please stay in your bunkers!", Jay replied "I Think we are going to survive, woot!" then he drinks his Diet Coke Bottle.

Everyone Is Excited as they watched the Comet making it passes the West Coast of the United States of America however is excited to survive because it's a Steel Super Sheltered Bunker for Survival purposes as most of the country has to Survive the Comet in that Bunker to not vanish in the face of the earth, mean while a red storm cloud entered but something happens next......

December 15, 1984 - Noon

Well we had just survived, Alameda did it same goes for Encinal and so things had changed a bit however something had happened meanwhile the Death Toll was announced following that event of this Comet Happening as 2 Billion People were reduced to ashes the human population (with time warpers) has decreased to about 2.5 Billion People along with a bilion more via time warp however scientists have planned to try clone a couple more as part of the project however things are changing in the world as prep in for 1985.
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