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Old 09-15-2016, 11:05 AM   #10
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: calgary, AB
Ok, math it is!

So a long time ago I used to run the 100 m, 200 m and once, the meatgrinder that is the 400 m, which is the worst thing I ever did. I have a reasonable idea of how each race progresses. The 100 m is pretty much a mad dash, generally you can pretty much push flat out for the entire race and not see much reduction in speed. The 200 m requires more discipline and you will be slowing down once you reach your peak speed. The 400 m is just a mess and is outside of what I want to even think about. So we'll stick to the 100 and the 200.

What my vision is, I want to have a visualization of the race, to play out in real time. Preferably with 8 bit sprites because Tecmo Super Bowl is still my favourite game.

To do this I need to:
Figure out where each athlete is at a given time.
Come up with some way to generate ratings or attributes for the athletes.

There's other stuff I need to do but these are the basics.

To accomplish any of these things I either need equations or data so I can generate my own equations. Remember we're gunning for something that is somewhat realistic here.

Amazingly this is actually really difficult. I can find some 20 m split data (which I feel is unacceptable) and very limited 10 m split data. I've also found a few papers on the kinematics of sprinting that come up with some work energy relationships (which as an aside I think are bullshit because plots of the derivatives don't make sense, if I get stuck maybe I'll post about this later).

So next post I'll post some 10 m split data and the simple equations that we can develop to give a our time space relationship.
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