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Old 02-16-2017, 11:03 PM   #6
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Irony of Ironies. Who is our next match against? The Dark Lammasus, a Chaos Dwarf Team. Dwarfs and Chaos Dwarfs, and Necro and Chaos Dwarfs, my top two teams. Ready for the fun?

Game #2 –

Here we go!

Our foes apparently have purchased a star player for the match. We win the match and I tell my folks to play defense first. We are about the same speed on the pitch – We have 4 Zombies and two Fleshes on the pitch – so 6 players with a move of 4, but then a lot of faster folks around them. They have Mudeye, the dwarf with the blunderbuss to shoot the ball out of.

Brilliant coaching leads to a better reroll for us we get 3.

They get a Hobby to pick it up and a three player cage in the back and they tackled two Zombies. I take down a Bull Centaur, and Thunder blitzes off a cage person to base the ball carrier. Claw too. I pass the turn after dropping a few more dwarves.

They drop a Zombie, stand up some people, just get push backs for tackles on my gys that base their ball carrier, and then fail a dodge roll and fail iti again post rereoll and pass the turn. Hmmm. I break Thunder away to grab the ball and he secures it. I pass the turn after moving him into a corner and screening with a WW. They blitz a hobby over and hit my guy on a one die block and reroll a push arrow into a tackle and drop Thunder. My plan to score. Stand up Thunder, blitz my WW, pick up the ball, and score. The blitz works, the pickup fails and I reroll it to a success and…


I get a perfect defense result. That lets me rearrange my team to a better defense. The ball falls right in front of the touch line, right by me on the left flank. They fail a pickup with a Hob and make the reroll. They drop two zombies.

After some tackles, tThunder takes the ball carrier down. Claw blitzes, drops a nearby dwarf, and picks it up. Now I can try two go for its to bring the ball back safety behind my own line. Let’s see. Success. I dropped four dwarves and Bull. And pass the turn.

They drop one zombie. I get a double skulls one and then a skull and both down with Fang and drop the turn. They get lucky on a bunch of one die blocks, and take down 5 pf my players, stun three, an including a Fleshie. Bok Kos a Bull Centaur. I drop two more. Bok drops a Hobbgolbin on a double skull.

This is turn 7. Time to move into a scoring position. I try to tackle some folks and get into position. They stunned two of my guys but pass the turn and…..

Claw with another score!!!

Half time!

Both teams lose a turn after a riot hits the pitch.

I drop four of them, and Fang grabs the ball deep in our half. They drop just one Zombie and maneuver. I get a both down for their Bull and my Fleshie and turn over. They get the same on my Zombie with their Hobby after dropping three Zombies and that’s a turn over for them.

Dumiok stun their other Bull, the KOd one is still not on the pitch. I end the turn after stunning three of theirs and driving the ball down. They move around, and knock down a pair of Zombies. Claw injures a Hobgoblin. They stun Bo on a double down roll. Turn over. They drop four of my guys, but can’t break out. I score with Fang to get to 3-0.

Gust of winds on the kickoff. They use a RR on a failed pickup and it works. They just drop the three line Zombies. Turonove rby us with a skull tackle by Fang. There’s no way they can score in two turns despite caging, as long as the Bull Centaurs aren’t involved. So I gang them up. My WW takes down their Bull Centaur and that;s a turn. They injure Fang in the final turn, and he’ll miss the next battle with a gauged eye.

We win 3-0.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 02-16-2017 at 11:14 PM.
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