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Old 02-22-2017, 06:38 AM   #10
Join Date: Jan 2017
On whether Iran was a westernized "culture" (which I think is the right term here), my understanding is that this is generally true. Starting with the CIA-driven coup in 1953 until the fall of the Shah in 1979.

Now, obviously any version of "western" culture from the 1970s and before (including the US) is going to look much different to us if we had a time machine and could go back right now. But the era of the Shah was a dictatorship which embraced many western values prior to the overthrow. So imperfect and flawed, but not a cesspool of despair, to my understanding. Iran is more modern and (what we might call) western today than most of the Middle East, and certainly not a cesspool of despair for the people there.

On the 2nd point related to rapes by Middle Eastern immigrants in European countries accepting the large influxes....yes there have been incidents. Do they make a dent in crime statistics beyond what the native culture has? I can't find statistics either direction. I've also read that some amount of the ME immigrants aren't integrating into the native societies so, if thats true (not a guarantee), it wouldn't be shocking that the isolated groups of immigrants may have different social norms about reporting crimes, or crimes of particular types (not just rape).

So yeah, I wasn't much help on the stats and data side. But I'm not sure these topics are going to be as clear as showing a report of rape being down or therefore the immigration is good/bad.
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