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Old 03-05-2017, 07:31 AM   #2810
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
In some ways, he's doing better than fine. There's a counter-intuitive but fairly well documented phenomenon where people who have already expressed their belief will then seemingly work extra hard to shape new information to align with their previously expressed belief.

There's little doubt that many/most Trump voters are in the midst of this exact thing. Best example is looking at polling on fav/unf on Russia or Putin. Before the week of the election, all stripes of Americans had a generally negative impression - definitely including Republicans. Now, you see a massive realignment of Trump supporters who are moving in the positive direction. There hasn't been any particularly happy news about Russia/Putin in the last few months...but we see a swath of voters now hear that question as a proxy for challenging the propriety of their own votes, and now realign themselves to think more positively by association. Russia is now polling pretty favorably among Trump voters.

Pollsters will probably see the same thing happening in a couple weeks. A fairly phrase poll question along the lines of "Did President Obama order illegal wiretaps of the Trump Campaign?" is going to get strong positives from Trump voters, and this issue will join the ranks of the similarly-launched questions like "Was there massive voter fraud among undocumented residents in the 2016 election?" where a question of facts (and not just propriety or good/bad), is up for grabs and split along party lines.
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