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Old 03-07-2017, 03:44 PM   #2872
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGa
Thank God that in the end the system also worked to at least give a dying nation a last chance to be salvaged.

You are definitely right that the will of the people was done. My problem is never with the system in these things, because in a free country it's impossible to have a government significantly worse than the one you deserve. Even from your point of view though, why did we have eight years of Obama and eight years of Clinton? It was largely the same people who put those people in office. I also find it interesting, per your quote above, that so many of the things you consider to be the only sane direction fly directly in the face of the plain language of the Constitution. For all of the references to saving a dying nation, it would seem it's death warrant was written on it's founding from your point of view, in which case it was never really alive to begin with.

Originally Posted by PilotMan
Wtf kind of drugs is this administration on that they decided that this was a totally normal line of thinking in regards to their platform? As the article breaks down...

I think it's at least possible here that you and others don't really understand the point of view of the school-choice advocates. Giving someone a choice who had none before is very much relevant from that perspective. It squares exactly with the situation today; that's how bad they think our public schools can be in some/many cases, to the point where they'd do almost anything not to have to send their children there.

For example, someone I knew in the homeschooling movement, who is not at all a particularly extreme case, said the best-to-worst education choices were(this was just over 20 years ago, and I think the perspective has only grown since):

1. Homeschooling.
2. Private schooling
3. No school
4. Public school

They weren't joking. They very much believe no school at all was better for their children than having them poisoned by the public school system, in an area of the country(rural Midwest) that is not known for some of the worst problems that plague education in America. I think this is one of those cases where DeVos(who I don't expect to be good at her job) was simply echoing a perspective that is simply so foreign to certain viewpoints that they do not understand it. What are commonly known as 'anti-education' viewpoints on the 'left'(for lack of a better term) are considered by others to be, as JIMGA might put it, the only sane approaches. They're not anti-education, and they generally don't demonize teachers(the person mentioned above was one).

Last edited by Brian Swartz : 03-07-2017 at 03:45 PM.
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