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Old 03-12-2017, 01:56 PM   #3
Tom Ashley
Join Date: Mar 2017
June 2016

Tom told David Gould he would need to make sure his primary employer would have no issues with him taking on an increased role at Sutton Courtenay. Gould shook his hand warmly.

"Take your time, Tom. The job's yours if you want it."

Martin Lowe was the head of Abingdon School. He was a football fan himself, a long-time supporter of his beloved Aston Villa. He hadn't hired Tom for his position on the basis of his football career--which was honestly nothing special--but that fact hadn't hurt Tom's chances, either.

"You do understand that your responsibilities to our school must always come first," Lowe told Tom. "You'd be relieved of your duties with our schoolboy teams, but you'll be expected to do your part in the Admission Office, as always. If you can do that and manage a football club, then by all means, take advantage of your opportunity."

Within an hour, Tom was on the phone with Gould.

Two days later, he signed a contract to become the first manager of Sutton Courtenay FC.

Tom wouldn't be paid much; only £50 per week. That didn't matter to him. Abingdon School paid him well enough, and gave him room and board on the school grounds. What was most important was the fact he'd be guiding the fortunes of a real, live football team.
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