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Old 04-12-2017, 07:08 PM   #5
High School Varsity
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Back in the desert
Icarus 2
Goals: Escape the atmosphere, return safely

With our new science from the last mission, we were able to upgrade our tech. We opened up Basic Rocketry, Engineering 101, and Survivability. We also accepted two new missions: Test LV-T45 "Swivel" liquid fuel engine on an escape trajectory out of Kerbin, and Test MK16 parachute in flight over Kerbin.

Rocket assembly: MK16 Parachute , MK1 Command Pod (with no monopropellant), TR-18A Stack Decoupler, LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine, 4 FL-T100 Fuel Tanks, 4 Basic Fins, 2 Goo Cannisters, and a 2HOT Thermometer.

Mass: 4.845T
Height: 5.7m
Width: 1.7m
Length: 1.7m
Stages: 2
Cost: 5810
Crew: Bob (Scientist)
Launch Time: Not recorded

Looking more like a rocket

We launched. Since Bob isn't a pilot, we didn't have SAS capability. This turned out to be a problem. At roughly 8000m, I overcorrected, and we lost control. Luckily, the fuel ran out not too long after that, so disaster was averted.

A video of us spinning around would be better, but this screenshot will have to do.

Unfortunately, while trying to save the rocket, I missed my window of opportunity to deploy the parachute within the requirements of the mission.

Missions accomplished: None
Science gathered: Goo cannisters, temperature, crew report, and EVA at grasslands.
Milestones: Land distance records of 1000 and 3000km.

Science gathered: 11.7 (23 total)
Funds recovered: 3427 (162262 total)
Reputation: 0 (24 total)
Crew XP: Bob - 0 (1 total)

Also, I discovered hitting F3 gives more info about the mission.
Total Mission Time: 04:13
Highest Altitude Achieved: 10,216m
Highest Speed Achieved: 647 m/s
Highest Speed Over Land: 335 m/s
Ground Distance Covered: 22,587m
Total Distance Traveled: 54,815m
Most Gee Forces Endured: 16.2G

We will need much more power to get into space. And we will certainly use a pilot for the next mission. Also, seeing that Gee Force number, I think I need to cut back on the throttle earlier. There was some learning done, and some new science, but this mission would have to be classified as a failure.

Last edited by Umbrella : 04-13-2017 at 08:35 AM.
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