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Old 04-12-2017, 08:45 PM   #8
High School Varsity
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Back in the desert
Icarus 4
Goals: Establish orbit around Kerbin

I went to see what new techs I could acquire. I ended up getting General Rocketry, and then I saw Basic Science. This allowed my to build an unmanned pod. That's when I decided to try and build an unmanned satellite to send into orbit.

Rocket assembly: Probodobodyne Stayputnik, Communotron 16, SC-9001 Science Jr, Service Bay (1.25m) with Z-100 Rechargeable Battery Pack inside, 4 FL-T200 Fuel Tanks, 2 LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engines, 4 basic fins.

I forgot to record the stats of the satellite. I'm not too good at record keeping.

In happier times

Now some of you who are familiar with this game and are paying attention to my build list might be asking "Wait, how are you going to control this?" Like I said, I'm new at this game, and I didn't realize this was an issue until after I launched, and it was completely unresponsive to my controls. It went OK for a little bit, and then the fun began. It flipped over, and was headed straight for the Space Center.


At this point, I panicked. I decided to release the first stage in hopes that would do something. It initially did, with everything heading out towards the ocean.

This won't end well

It was actually pretty funny watching all of these rocket pieces, still with fuel, shooting all over the place.


I decoupled the second stage in a last ditch effort. In retrospect, I don't know what I was trying to accomplish with that. The result was expected.

Amazingly, some of the parts survived that fiery crash. But there is no way to describe this as anything but an unmitigated disaster.

Missions accomplished: None
Science gathered: None
Milestones: None, at least none that are positive.

Science gathered: 0.1 (6 total)
Funds recovered: 3234 (211,362 total)

Total Mission Time: 01:25
Highest Altitude Achieved: 6716m
Highest Speed Achieved: 386 m/s
Highest Speed Over Land: 266 m/s
Ground Distance Covered: 8541m
Total Distance Traveled: 32,621m
Most Gee Forces Endured: 22.9G

I did a little research afterwards, and discovered I still need to discover a few techs to give me the parts to control the satellite. This won't be happening for a while, so I think I will just go back to manned flights. With General Rocketry tech, I think I have enough juice to get into orbit. The odd number flights seem to be doing good, so I have high hopes for the next mission.
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