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Old 05-25-2017, 12:21 AM   #1033
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006

2457.10.12 -- The main fleet makes the jump into Buhavilaa space.

Why are they so powerful with only two systems inhabited? Well, they have ringworlds! Also notice that the fleet(this is top-down, so no perspective distortion) is as big as the star or bigger. 125 battleships is an absurdly large force by any reckoning. Sensors indicate almost all of their fleet is in the other system. I think we could handle them all at once fairly comfortably ... but I'd prefer not to have to find out.

12.07 -- Oh look ... visitors.

By now one of their raiding battlecruisers has been eliminated, and the other two will be soon. That will give our science ships something to do; more debris work.

A bit later, here's a close-up of what they look like.

2458.03.08 -- Everything in the system has been defeated, and Admiral Sagglor gains two ranks (** to ****) as well. Time to land the army.

We lost five battleships, as well as some transports before we sent them away to avoid further problems.

04.02 -- Nerve Dampeners III finished. Interstellar Fleet Traditions is next, allowing for a new module(Fleet Academy) and an edict(The Grand Fleet). It's too late to matter, but otherwhise those would be useful.

Side view of the ring as our men are about to land.

05.27 -- They have only standard defensive armies and the invasion doesn't take long. Now for the real work: the Beacon of Infinity.

They decide to come to us. That was probably unwise. Several fleets jump in, combined about half of our strength or a little more. I'm surprised the fabric of space-time doesn't rip apart under the strain. Ultimately they lose over 100 ships in a matter of a couple weeks; we lose nothing, though we did take some damage. This really should be over now.

It takes some time to pound away at the four spaceports in the Infinity system. It takes some time to get into range, and those things have lances on them, and several battleships worth of HP, with heavy armor. We take a few losses, but still have over 100 battleships when they are cleared out. The spaceports are the only thing we've run into that out-ranges us ... but once a few battleships get close enough to fire, they go down quickly enough.

2459.08.18 --

Interesting. Once debris is done we'll look into this.

11.28 --

They finally acquiesce to the inevitable. All is left is the science. There is a third ringworld as well. The debris research ultimately turns up nothing new. We can study the ringworlds with for significant engineering value. The Living Metal study is the most profitable, allowing a new armory which utilizes the material to build hulls that are 10% more resistant to damage and regenerate 2% per month. These are interesting steps up the ladder of science, but they are mere curiosities at this point.

The great struggle of the Stellaris Galaxy is over. The Architreuthis have won under the guidance of the Great Boojie. All that is left for us is the slow subjugation, peaceful or otherwhise at their discretion, of the rest of the galaxy. None are left to challenge us; this story is over.

Thanks again for playing!
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