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Old 07-08-2017, 04:13 AM   #5036
Join Date: Jan 2017
Originally Posted by JPhillips View Post
Both the liberal and moderate wings of the party get too hung up on details when there's general agreement on a lot of issues. Issues that are broadly popular, even. Take the minimum wage, basically all the Dems think it should be increased somewhere to between ten and fifteen dollars an hour.

But instead of everyone agreeing on a message of, "We'll increase the minimum wage," instead everyone fights over exactly how much it should go up. Stop focusing on shit like that until you're actually capable of passing legislation. Now's the time for unity, not purity.
Let me put my tinfoil hat on (conveniently enough it was already on).

When ineptitude stretches beyond comprehension, with people who ought to understand such things and otherwise seem smart enough to do so....its not likely to be ineptitude. Its an agenda which is not in line with the perceived principles the general public believes to be "Democrat". Most Democrats are neo-liberals, and certainly so in the leadership of the DNC.

The DNC is primarily a platform for corporate sponsored agendas, and secondarily a faux opposition party. Big pharma, big insurance, military industrial complex, big banks, big tech....big everything except oil it seems.

Thats why you don't see people like Pelosi actually putting forward policy like single payer healthcare (didn't even try in 2009), min wage increase, pharmaceutical drug importations, etc. If thats not what a "labor" platform ought to advocate....then wtf is it? She isn't stupid...she and most other Dems are just as bought as the Republicans they rail against. The Dems have become the Republicans who are socially tolerant (or antifa in some cases).

Thats the problem as I see it. There is no counter balance between the elite ruling class and the common people. Corporations and workers. And I say this as somebody who leans heavily towards free market capitalism...which is not the same as the corrupted and legally bribed markets we have (and have had for a long time).

And the best way to distract the DNC's constituency away from their own corruption and purposeful incompetency is...Russia. Its desperate flailing from DNC leaders who are trying to hold onto their control of the DNC.
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