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Old 08-28-2017, 07:01 PM   #3868
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jul 2007
Last scene was weirdley cheesy ... Personally i would have just let it happen in vision-view, make it real brief with detached snippets "broadcast" to us via Bran.

I really liked the scenes in King's Landing and the demise of Littlefinger was well done. I for one was doubting Sansa and so i think ultimately the writers did a good job there: Making her turning on Littlefinger in character as seen during the first few episodes of the season, but make us (well, me at least) doubt her enough based on the last couple.

I actually also was at least half-way fooled by the Cersei double-cross. Mostly because of the pregnancy as a universally accepted game-changer when it comes to behavior/morality (imo). I would have found it totally understandable if after rehashing her kids death she would be willing to act for the child's survival, not her family's titles. Because of that i totally understood her telling Daenery's that perhaps she'd remember her help was actually genuine, if not for her than for the unborn child ...

I think Tyrion was just realizing the importance here, nothing more or less.

I think the forshadowing last week with the whole "line of succession" thing has to be read differently than "Daenerys will die prematurely" now. I think she either gets pregnant now after all (as predicted by Jon, loved that line) or after they both find out about them being related they make a decision to stop knocking boots (not wanting to affront Westerosi customs at the very least) and Jon agrees to let her be Queen while she names him her successor in light of her inability to have children, thus going for a different route as Tyrion pressed her to do.

Then again, right now i think there is no way to tell how and at which point the whole series will end. After the war against the dead, leaving the War of the leaving either up in the air or have the dead win ? Or will it become a convuluted multi-front-war ? Or do we get 2 great wars within one shortened season one after another ?

Or we have a time jump now and jump into the middle of the first, then Cersei dies while giving birth and that's that.
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!”

Last edited by whomario : 08-28-2017 at 07:09 PM.
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