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Old 02-18-2018, 01:55 PM   #898
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Level 6 –

Level 6 is the gambling dens, and this floor, in addition to guards both living and golem, there are tons of gambling tables, sleeping quarters, another pair of inns, and there is also a perfectly legal set of prostitution here, with 5% of the funds here also being taxed. There are also some drugs being sold here as well in a pair of stores with some stools and tables out front. Alzar sees a group of four soldiers smoking something in a tobacco pipe that doesn’t smell like tobacco, but he can’t identify it.

They head down.

Level 7 –

This is the final level with things for sale in it. This is the place with some additional food stuffs, and water, some clothing and such all sold here. Also about a third of it is storage, on the left hand side there are some warehouses. The right has more living quarters. There is also more large foundations and another trash chute room that goes up to level 4 and collects trash and refuse here, but it’s behind some closed doors they check out.

Level 8 –

This floor is dominated by one huge central room. This must have been where people once sparred for training. Now they spar for life. Creatures are summoned to this space, and here they fight. There are runes and circles of protection around the sparring circle in the ground that were added more recently than the stone, and carved there so they would remain. Many seats and tables circle the sparring table, and bets are placed, taken, and creatures are summoned. Another battle is schedule in a few minutes time. It’s between a Hydrodaemon and a Alu Fiend. As they explore the level, the battle begins, and the Hydrodaemon wins in a about a minute.

Most of the rest of this level appears to be living quarters and supplies for the fights, but not all. As they move over to the left wall, Alzar senses something beyond the dungeon. His Star is out and reveals a passage in the earth that was hidden by a high level illusion and there are some Dao-esque accoutrements here. The guard captain didn’t know these were here, and they explore. Soon they run into a Dao mining facility. They are under the summoning and control of the mages, and they are exploring and looking for gems and high quality metals in the earth. After mining, they use their earth-control powers to rebuild the place immediately, so it’s state is identical to the one left and doesn’t weaken support structures. Alzar uses Genie Lore to talk with them and find out why they are here.

They head back and go down.
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