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Old 03-20-2018, 04:47 PM   #1156
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD

Aegos is a large island, about 500 miles long, running west*southwest to east-northeast; it is about 240 miles across at its widest north-south measurement.

The island has one area with fairly rich soil, to the southwest; this area is thick with farmlands and pasturage for sheep and cattle. The larger central and eastern regions are very hilly, with
one large central body of water, Lake Aegos; they are nowhere so friendly to farms or cattle, though sheep and especially goats do well. The hills north of Lake Aegos have fair deposits of lead and silver, so there are many mines there.

There are only two communities on the island-at least, according to most maps of Aegos.

The town of Aegopoli, population 17,500, is on the southwest tip of the island. It serves the shipping and trading needs of the island's farmers. It is the island's capital and has many ware*houses, shops, and taverns; there are a couple of inns here, and there is even a school for the teaching of children in both magic and academic matters.

The village of Selenion, population 2000 is on the northern shore of Lake Aegos, between the lake and hills to the north. It's the sole example of civilization for the miners of the area; it is in most ways a bawdy, rough-and-tumble frontier town. No magic users live in this small community; the only spellcasters there are a couple of clerics.

Long ago, wizards of Aegos tried to make the island into a haven for the breeding and creation of magical beasts and mon*sters and eventually a zoo for the exhibition of such creatures. But the effort was sabotaged by unknown parties (legend has it that the saboteurs were rival wizards of the Alphatian monster nation of Trollhattan). The breeding pens and zoo were opened and the monsters fell upon one another; the few surviving monsters fled into the island's hills, and the Aegos economy was ruined.
Later, the island became a very dull and typical farming and fishing island, though sometimes monsters still do wander out of the island's hills to fall upon the human inhabitants.
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