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Old 03-21-2018, 03:44 PM   #1176
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Year 13, Month 9

Alzar tries to get to Glantri City to check out the magic artifact he has found out about, but the immortal Rad is not allowing entrance. He can’s teleport, Shadowshift, or anything else. He can’t scry it anymore either. Glantri City is locked to Alzar for the time being.

Alzar continues to flesh out his road network.

Alzar orders another 5000 troops built in his Grand Duchy and spend some time investing in his navy as well, in order to be prepared.

No major events occur, save for him working on the magical item for Nyx. An early and harsh winter ends construction early as well.


In Alphatia, dozens of temples of the Immortal Asterius are burned to the ground over a period of days. The Alphatian authorities capture the arsonists-a band of Glantr*ians.

These Glantrians, elves of the Erewan clan, claim to have been envoys from Glantri to Darokin. They say that they were magically put to sleep and awakened within a burning temple of Asterius. However, magical probing with a wish spell reveals that they, too, have two sets of memories about the event. One set clearly shows the elves accepting a mysterious cloaked man's commission to destroy the temples of Asterius.

Empress Eriadna rushes the investigation through the judicial system; the Glantrian elves are quickly tried and sentenced to death.

The Princes of Glantri protest the trial but make no direct attempt to rescue their envoys. They instead sent evidence that the elves were in Glantri at the time of the burning, and were seen on the road by more than 50 witnesses, verified by magical means, but this is deemed biased information.

(By the way, it’s Alphaks behind the scenes causing some of these issues, in order to bring Rad and Ixion into war more quickly than either want.)
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