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Old 03-21-2018, 08:14 PM   #1182
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Year 14, Month 4

Alzar heads to Freiburg, the capital of the Heldannic Knights, and to the south of Norwold and Landfall. Alzar takes out of the Khanate raids with some allies and himself, as a sign of good will towards the Knights.

Alzar asks for the Knights help. He wants Landfall removed from the map. These are crusading knights and paladins, and they don’t like Landfall as a haven for thugs, bandits and pirates being right next door anymore than he does. He tells them of their recent raid, but Alzar is afraid Norwold will punish him if he moves to take out Landfall on his own, so he needs someone else to take them out.

He offers to support any military offensive north into Landfall.

More bookfinds and such.

Alzar stops a bunch more raids and removes bandits from his nation.


Since Alphatia can not yet attack Glantri di*rectly, they decide on a stop-gap attack: a reign of terror which they can set into motion without having to monitor.

Hundreds of Alphatian wizards travel secretly to Glantri and conjure hordes of monsters-many of them from other planes-and re*lease them in Glantri. The monsters rampage across the civilian population of Glantri, and the Glantrian wizards have a hard time keeping the monsters in line.

Unfortunately, many of the monsters spill over the borders in*to Wendar, Darokin, the Broken Lands, the Ethengar Khanate, and even into Alfheim. The Khanate has to pull back some of its punitive raids to deal with many monsters poring over their border with Glantri.

During the monster raids, Alzar reaches out to some of the nations raided to see if they need any assistance, but his proffers are not taken.
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