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Old 03-23-2018, 09:33 PM   #1233
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
And frankly, I have lost my desire to join your ranks. I do not want to be tempted to lose who I am. I have done more to achieve immortality than any other immortal, by having to do all five paths, for each sphere. And now that I can see all of the issues you have, I do not want to fall into the mewling squabbles that most of you have fallen to.

Today, the only thing that you have to offer me is immortality proper. I thought you would have a lot more. But that’s gone. Immortality alone is not enough for me to sacrifice my core identity. I am Alzar. And your offer would possibly change that.

Therefore, I am leaving your offer on the table. Thanks. But I have no desire to get involved in the gamessmithing of manipulating immortals for your own greed and boredom.

As mortals, we had just had a peace conference that we put together. Korylis knows that I never used the artifact to force terms. We negotiated it together. Everything was worked out for true peace that would last for decades at least, maybe longer.

Then within a year Alphatia has been riled up by their peaceful immortal, Thyatis by Vanya, and other nations brought to the table, and suddenly a war between Glantri, Thyatis, and the Hendannic Knights vs Alphatia is happening despite mortals taking care of ourselves.

We don’t need you anymore. The war, conflict, and devastation is not needed. You have fancied yourselves gods when you aren’t. You have let immortals like Alphaks, who was sanctioned not to come back to Pandius for his misdeeds in the Maelstrom, return even stronger in less than ten years.

We are better on our own. You have forgotten that you serve us. Not the other way around. And I no longer wish to join your group.”
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