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Old 06-20-2018, 10:19 PM   #379
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
I called comcast a week ago to cancel TV and asked how much was internet only. They redirected me to I assume a "special team". When asked why, I just told him I was out of a job and needed to cut costs and that AT&T data only was $50.

The person put me and hold, came back, and offered the basic, non-cable channels and internet for about $55 total. I was tempted to save the hassle and go for the deal but then realized/found out that (1) AT&T offered 1TB where Comcast was still at, I think, 400GB and (2) I would need to pay rent on the Comcast equipment whereas AT&T supplied all needed equipment for the monthly $50. The guy also had a "sly" way of not answering my questions directly re: rent and data amount, he said "same as what you have now" until I prodded him to provide me specifics on "what I had now".

What really put me off was the comcast person said I need to call back on the 20th to cancel on the 24th. I challenged him on this but he said it was policy.

I called back today and, lo and behold, the comcast lady said she did not know why the first person couldn't just process my cancellation last week and did not see any record of my request. She processed my cancellation with no further drama and told me to just drop of the equipment at any comcast store.

That first guy pissed me off.

Last edited by Edward64 : 06-20-2018 at 10:24 PM.
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