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Old 07-02-2018, 04:54 PM   #237
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Feb 2007
As a long time Sepsi supporter () and member of the Legion I can only continue to be astonished at how well the team is playing. We are all worried about the coming summer with larger clubs coming in to poach our top talent but we feel strongly that between our manager, his scouts and our new deep pocketed owner that we will be able to move from strength to strength.

Now as just me: This is always the biggest danger time for me. We've been great but are taking the next largest step up in quality. Add into this the wild card of a new deep pocketed owner who might be A) fickle and looking longingly at other managers after even a slight stumble or worse B) only in in for the short term and potentially looking to sell quickly and saddle the club with debt. As a fan or real life Reading I know what sudden take overs by seemingly deep pocketed Russians can mean when he comes up short and the club is nearly thrown into administration.

Also really enjoying this dynasty, your style of reporting and the run you're own. Long may it last and Long Live the LEGION!!
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