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Old 07-18-2018, 03:23 PM   #164
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: calgary, AB
Originally Posted by BishopMVP View Post
I hear you on this, but on the flip side the Celtics traded a loveable All-Star in IT for the more talented but mercurial Kyrie Irving and I got over it pretty quickly, despite the media still insinuating Kyrie won't re-sign and he'll leave for the Knicks next summer ( )

If Kawhi keeps pulling the same BS he has in SA for the last year fans might still hate him, but even if he doesn't commit as long as he shows up and plays hard I think it'll be easy to root for him. He's an immensely likable player on the court - if Raptors fans think OG Anunoby or Kyle Lowry are exciting on ball perimeter defenders...

I think it's a bit different than moving on from IT because he was only there for 1 year. We saw DeMar grow from a raw but talented athlete into a top 20ish player in the league. The best players we had before him, Vince, whined his was out, TMac, same deal, Bosh, left first chance he could. DeMar is the first who stayed. Imagine if Parish left, then Bird left, then McHale left all at their first chance, then Pierce comes around, want to stay and you send him off for a Garnett or someone like that. (I get that your guys are way better than who the Raptors have lost but bare with me...).

I have no doubt that if Leonard is engaged I'm going to love watching him play, I don't think it will change the way I feel.
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