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Old 08-19-2018, 09:34 AM   #1736
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Maryland by way of Arizona
The Americans

I've not read this thread until yesterday so I don't know if this has been addressed or not but The Americans is shit.

I watched the first episode and was thoroughly underwhelmed. Their activities were not believable. But keeping in mind that sometimes pilots don't necessarily reflect what the rest of the series is like, I watched the second episode. Another steaming pile. Couldn't get more than 10 minutes in. They were getting real cute with the cinematography with everything off center and cutting off the speaking character's face. I get it, the camera is pointing LEFT of where is should be...cuz they're socialists!!! Lame.

Only positive is that Keri Russell is hot. Like, makes ugly '80s mom-jeans look good hot.


Maybe I'm too nit-picky, maybe the show gets better, maybe I'll get desperate in the dead of winter. Maybe but I doubt it unless someone here convinces me otherwise.
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