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Old 09-11-2018, 08:42 AM   #129
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Feb 2007
I was looking at the guys that we can extend and all of them are decisions we can hold off on until the next window. My thinking is to extend them now with the thought of selling them in the next window or two as they will never be cheaper to extend than they are right now and all but one of them are working on talents. Obviously I have too much time on my hands and I'm more than happy to keep my damn opinions to myself if you guys prefer.

larrymcg421 you have Wachter and D. Muller who are both 31 and both working on first talents. Muller will hit his talent before the next window so if you don't want him we can just hang on and sell him for 10K in the summer. But for 366 we might get him a second talent level and be able to sell him as a 33 yr old for 3 times that amount. Wachter is more cut and dried you have to extend him to see his Talent value blossom but you could just do it for 1 year if you think he won't see the field much.

DavidCorperial you have 3 guys and Abruscia who I'll get to in a second. Tiel Tunjic and Preiss are all in the same boat as D. Muller above in that they won't hit their first Talent until after their current contract expires. For Preiss and Tiel who are 32 now I'd extend them for 1 year and look to sell them as soon as they got their talent's which for Preiss should be before the end of the Summer Window and Tiel will be next winter. Tunjic is only 28 and with the other two gone in the next two windows should get at least a little more playing time. I'd probably reup him for the full 3 and see if I could get multiple levels of talent completed before having another decision to make down the road. Finally Abruscia, I'd extend him for at least 2 (and if it was me all 3 years) with the thought of selling him in one of the windows in Season 5.

OK sorry I'll go back to my hole.
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