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Old 10-22-2018, 06:11 PM   #73
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Peace time!

I give these provinces to these people:

Commonwealth – Silistre on the Black Sea Coast

Bohemia – Giurgiu – Next to them, they captured it


We get SIX provinces:

Uskup, in Macedonian state, north of us, we have a claim on it

Their capital and the other Thracian province

Three Turkish holdings, including Biga, Huda… and Kochei. They are all in the same state, and include a Silk province and the straits from Greece to Turkey, so I have a good stronghold and they can blitz over.

We get 1056 cash

I wanted to toss Portugal a province or two, but it was too much as they joined the war later, but they weren’t expecting anything.

Here’s the peace deal:

And there we are! The flags in the lower corner show that a coalition would get upset at my overexpansion, but it’s just the Turks, and they are upset anyway, really. My Holy War effect in this stage allowed me to grab more stuff!

I invest about half of my stored ADM power in cores for my area

We are using their Greek names, which change as the provinces do:

Skopje (Uskup on the map above) – North of our holdings, and part of the state of Macedonia, this holdings is 10 development, Iron, in Highlands, and is sending us 0.46 – Serbian and Orthodox. It has a church, workshop and regimental camp.

Burgas – This Thracian holdings is next to Edirne and Constantinople. It’s south of the Commonwealth in Selestre, and on the coast. As part of the same state as Edirne, it’s already state-fifed. Grasslands, coastal, 12 development, Grain farmers are here and it does have a Farm Estate. Also church, shipyard, and workshop. It sends us 0.67, and the people here are Bulgarian Orthodox.

Constantinople – The province you knew we’d get! Development of 44, farmlands, has the Bosporus Sound Toll and natural harbor, at level 2 of development. Turkish and Sunni. It has – Regimental Camp, Castle, Workshop, Church, Marketplace, Barracks, Shipyard. It sends us 3.10 with it’s Gem trade.

Karasi – Former ally known a Biga, this Turkish coastal province has straits to us in Edirne and Sigo. 11 development, Grasslands, Naval Supplies, Turkish and Sunni, 0.09 made here for us. To it’s east is Hudavindigar and it’s also north of two Turkish holdings. It has a Camp, Workshop, and Shipyard

Hudavindigar – I made a claim on this seeing this as a good potential expansion target. Has a 21 development, woods, Silk trading with 0.23 cash monthly, Turkish and Sunni, west of us in Kocaeli and west of Karasi. North of two Turkish holdings. It has a Church, Workshop, and Marketplace with a natural harbor.

Kocaeli – Strait crossing to Constantinople, east of Hudavindigar, 9 dev, Castle, church, grain farming, forest, Turkish and Sunni, they send us 0.06 cash monthly

I order one of my armies to Kocaeli, to be in the Castle. I shut down my other forts.

I move to mothball my transport fleet

I will start drilling my armies again

With me massaging my army and forts back, I am now making money again!
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