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Old 11-06-2018, 02:33 AM   #13923
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Concord, MA/UMass
Originally Posted by JPhillips View Post

The 2020 primary starts Wednesday. Pity the poor folk in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Thankfully it doesn't apply to me anymore, but you know what's worse? Living in the major media market (Boston) that broadcasts to (the majority of) NH, while not actually having a vote in a contested election!
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
Don't know if this means good news for Rep/Dem but it is good that more people are voting.

A staggering 36 million people have voted early, setting the stage for big midterm turnout - POLITICO
I assume a 33% increase in early voting says more about access, awareness, and technology than motivation, but I'll be interested to see the final turnout numbers.

I'm still trying to learn the political landscape down here, but NC stuff will be interesting. The gerrymandering has made super weird districts, but I think Mark Harris still "represents the district" more, while Dan McCready is a better candidate for the US House. The local NC Senate race is even more of a shitshow, with the Charlotte Observer saying
We disagree with Republican Sen. Dan Bishop on most every policy stance he has taken, including his lead sponsorship of HB2, and we’re troubled by his investment in a website that was home to hate speech. But while we respect Democrat Chad Stachowicz’s moderate policy views, we are concerned by his lack of judgment in a 2008 DWI and his comments on drinking since. We do not endorse either candidate.
There are also a couple ballot initiatives the Republicans are pushing hard to hold on to their 2010 gains a little longer... I think the Voter ID law will pass easily, but the attempt to strip the governor of the power to appoint judges until the next election, and the attempt to pack the election board with friendlier people are both toss ups.
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