Thread: Fallout 76
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Old 11-26-2018, 08:14 PM   #55
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Played it some, am at Level 7. I am enjoying the game so far. Everything is somewhat new and enjoying the FO universe again. It may get repetitive from what I've read in reddit. But I'm sure I'll get my $35 worth.

Just some initial thoughts
  • I have not encountered any noticeable bugs on my PC other than for some animals stuck through a couple walls. But I was able to walk through them
  • Way too much eating and drinking needed. Getting some perks to help that but it really distracts from the game
  • I've only seen 4 other players so far, worked with one on the Feed event
  • Haven't used the guns much, instead using my machete and baseball bat for most
  • Found a Power Armor frame but no fusion cores yet to power it.
  • Haven't played much with CAMP but I've seen some pretty cool pictures on reddit

FWIW - I recommend you buy it (yes, this means you JiMGA also). At $35 its a no brainer to me.
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