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Old 01-02-2019, 07:11 PM   #1105
High School Varsity
Join Date: Apr 2005
Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
and you aren't willing to give Tomlin any credit for developing those players or his part in the organization being what it is? For putting AB and Bell in situations fitting their strengths so they can blossom?

If you are asking me to point to a specific play or adjustment he made your are being ridiculous. I don't spend my time watching Steelers game film.

To suggest that Jackson could go in to Pitt and win given what we have sen from him so far is absurd. Did you watch any of the Browns first 8 games? Did you watch Hard Knocks?

Of course Tomlin is part of the organization, no dispute there. My point is I don't believe if you put Tomlin in another organization without the strong talent (Ben, Bell, Brown) and structure/tradition he would be as successful.

No not asking you to watch every game film, but besides his record, what does everyone else say about him that makes him standout? When you talk about Patriots you here about the great strategy and adjustments. When you talk about the Rams and Eagles, you talk about the innovative offenses. etc. There really is nothing special or specific that gets said about Tomlin. I have watched just about every game the Steelers have played under Tomlin and not here trying to say he is the worst coach in the world. Just saying I have seen many bad decisions and questionable things that make me think he'll be a decent coach that will win a bunch of games, but when it counts in the playoffs and winning the super bowl, I don't have the same faith he can do that.

As for Hue, as mentioned many times, not a fan of him idea how he would have turned out with a good organization and talent, but was more meant to be an example of having a coach fit the system.
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